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FY25 Appropriations Requests

Article I, Section 9, Clause 7:

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

Congressman Williams is proud to announce federal funding projects vital to New York's 22nd Congressional District that he has submitted for FY25. These projects will return taxpayer dollars to serve municipalities, families, and local institutions in Central New York and the Mohawk Valley.

Each year, Members of the House are allowed to submit a limited number of discretionary program requests to the House Appropriations Committee for projects in need of federal funding. Below you will find Congressman Williams' funding request submissions.

Project Submissions

Proposed Recipient: Onondaga County Sheriff's Office
Project Title: Mobile Command Center / Sub Station
Recipient Address: 407 South State St Syracuse, NY 13202
Amount Requested: $1,200,000
Project Description: This project is to acquire a Mobile Sub-Station / Command post to assist during, critical incidents, community outreach, special events, and muti-disciplinary responses to modern incidents. A mobile command center ensures rapid and coordinated response during emergencies by providing a fully equipped mobile operation hub for communication, strategic planning, and resource management. It enhances situation awareness and decision-making capabilities, crucial for effective incident management and disaster recovery.
Purpose: The current mobile command center has surpassed its service life and is no longer safe to keep in service. The replacement would ensure that the community does not lose all the benefits detailed above and ensures that we can provide the best first responder service to our community. The replacement also will allow the utilization of the major technological advances that can mitigate critical incidents and vastly improve disaster recovery.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: Village of Elbridge
Project Title: Village of Elbridge, Town of Elbridge, Village of Jordan Joint Water System Improvements Project
Recipient Address: 210 West Main Street, Elbridge, New York 13060
Amount Requested: $3,000,000
Project Description: The Village of Elbridge, Town of Elbridge, and Village of Jordan's public water system currently experiences critical deficiencies such as high variable pressures from the City of Syracuse water supply, low chlorine residual, small diameter pipe which leads to fire flow and capacity restrictions, asbestos cement water mains, and aging infrastructure. The proposed joint water project generally includes the following improvements: The addition of three (3) new water storage tanks, three (3) pump stations and one (1) chlorine booster station. The Kingston Road tank and pump station are located at the City of Syracuse connection to create an initial system pressure zone. A new elevated tank will be constructed at the site of the existing Upper Reservoir tank and will be filled by the new Hamilton Road pump station to address low pressures at the Jordan Elbridge High School. Additionally, the Brutus Road tank will be constructed at the site of the existing Lower Reservoir tank to provide surge relief and storage to the Village of Jordan. The Jordan Road chlorine booster station will provide additional disinfection to the water flowing into the Village of Jordan. The existing Crossett Road pump station will be demolished and a new one constructed to eliminate confined space entry and inaccessibility during the winter. The project also consists of replacing approximately 50,000 linear feet of water main. 2-inch and 4-inch mains are being replaced with 8-inch water mains to improve fire flow and capacity in critical areas including Tessy Plastics, one of the region's major manufacturing facilities, and the Jordan Elbridge School District facilities. Current dead mains will be looped to promote mixing within the system. Approximately 10% of all valves and hydrants in the system will be replaced as well as asbestos cement water main. Additionally, an extension to the Rolling Hills and Champions Mobile Home Parks that have had numerous health department violations resulting in public health hazards.
Purpose: The Village of Elbridge is applying for funding on behalf of three (3) municipalities for funding for a joint project to address critical deficiencies within the Village of Elbridge, Town of Elbridge, and Village of Jordan Joint Water System. The Village of Elbridge is seeking $3,000,000, which will be equally disbursed among the Village of Elbridge, Town of Elbridge, and Village of Jordan. Currently, the Joint Water System experiences highly variable system pressure from the City of Syracuse conduit connection resulting in frequent water main breaks as well as has numerous system deficiencies such as small diameter and dead end water main, asbestos cement and galvanized steel water main, insufficient fire flows, low chlorine residuals, and generally aging infrastructure. These critical issues are not sustainable and present significant risk to the public health and well-being of residents in the Villages and Town. The proposed improvement project aims to address those critical deficiencies within the Joint Water System to improve water quality and increase system resiliency for the next 50 years.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: Town of Tully and Town of LaFayette
Project Title: Town of Tully and Town of LaFayette Joint Water Source Replacement and Transmission Project
Recipient Address: 5833 Meetinghouse Road Tully, New York 13159
Amount Requested: $4,000,000
Project Description: The Town of Tully and the Town of LaFayette are working together on a joint water project which will replace the existing water sources by connecting the existing systems to the Village of Tully Water system, via a transmission main. The Village of Tully, Town of Tully, and Town of LaFayette signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in 2024 which stated that the Village of Tully water system has the capacity to serve the residents of the Cardiff Water District and the Route 11A District.
Purpose: The requested grant will be used to construct 3.8 miles of 8-inch water main, two pressure reducing valve vaults, install hydrants, valves, and water services, and decommission two existing water collection basins and two water treatment buildings. The main will form a connection from the Village of Tully to the existing Route 11A system and from there to the existing Cardiff system. This main will bring water from the Village of Tully to the residents of these two systems, allowing them to abandon the existing unreliable hillside spring sources.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: Syracuse Housing Authority
Project Title: East Adams Neighborhood Transformation Plan
Recipient Address: 516 Burt Street, Syracuse, New York 13202
Amount Requested: $3,722,900.00
Project Description: The East Adams Street Neighborhood Transformation Plan is a resident-driven neighborhood development initiative to improve economic mobility and health outcomes for 15th Ward families, and CPF funding will play a vital role in realizing the project’s ambitious goals.
Purpose: The purpose of this Community Project Funding (CPF) request is to bring governmental financial investment into the East Adams Street neighborhood to realize the overall goal of reconnecting the Old 15th Ward to the City of Syracuse’s urban core. The CPF, if granted, will provide for the critical and imperative infrastructure upgrades required to move this project forward. The East Adams Street Neighborhood Transformation Plan will not only benefit neighborhood residents with the additional opportunities provided to succeed, but by assisting in breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty in the area. The project will also benefit the greater community with the development of financially viable mixed-income housing developments along with commercial opportunities.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: Yorkville Police Department
Project Title: New Police Department for the Yorkville Police Department
Recipient Address: 30 Sixth Street Yorkville NY 13495
Amount Requested: $650,000
Project Description: The Yorkville Police Department's current facility is outdated and in need of both expansion and modernization to meet safety, functionality, and accessibility standards. Congressional funding would go toward the development of facilities which would improve operational efficiency, meet safety standards, and provide sufficient security for officers, detainees, and the community. The construction of a new police department in Yorkville is an important step toward promoting the safety, security, and well-being of residents, and it would be used to host neighborhood engagement programs, youth mentorship programs, and job shadowing programs for aspiring law-enforcement professionals.
Purpose: Congressional funding would address current issues of inadequate operational space, lack of privacy in workspaces, inadequate evidence storage capacity, lack of training facilities, and interview facilities which lack soundproofing.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: Village of Minoa
Project Title: Village of Minoa Wastewater Treatment Plant and Research Facility Improvements
Recipient Address: 240 North Main Street, Minoa, NY 13116
Amount Requested: $565,000
Project Description: The Village of Minoa Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), which serves all 3,657 residents in the Village, is currently utilizing equipment and infrastructure that dates back to the 1930s when the WWTP was initially constructed. Upgrades to the facility occurred in the 1970s, 1980s, and the 1990s; however, the majority of components were constructed during the 1970s upgrade project and are now equal to or greater than 50 years of age. The WWTP operators are currently experiencing structural and equipment-related inefficiencies that increase operation and maintenance time and costs, burdening taxpayers and workers alike.
Purpose: This project would reconstruct and rehabilitate the aging wastewater infrastructure currently being used at the WWTP to extend its useful life and maintain compliance with discharge requirements.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: City of Syracuse
Project Title: Mobile Command Unit (SPD)
Recipient Address: 201 E Washington St, Syracuse NY 13202
Amount Requested: $2,000,000
Project Description: The Mobile Command Unit (SPD) project is aimed at increasing law enforcement agencies' operational effectiveness by introducing a versatile and dynamic tool for managing and coordinating operations during various scenarios, including large-scale events, emergencies, and crises. The project involves the development and deployment of mobile command center equipped with advanced communication technologies, real-time information access, command and control facilities, logistics support, and media management capabilities.
Purpose: This project will improve safety across city neighborhoods by replacing Syracuse Police Department’s outdated Mobile Command Post which provides a base of operations for law enforcement and emergency personnel at serious public safety incidents, community outreach and public events. The unit will be equipped with state-of-the-art communications technology to enable better decision making and quicker response to incidents. In addition, the Mobile Command Unit project aims to develop a versatile and dynamic tool that can be deployed in various scenarios, including large-scale events, emergencies, and crises.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: City of Syracuse
Project Title: Children Rising Center
Recipient Address: 819 South Salina Street, Syracuse, NY 13202
Amount Requested: $3,000,000.00
Project Description: Central to the holistic transformation of the New 15th Ward is the construction of a neighborhood-based Children Rising Center (CRC). The new 78,000 sq ft Children Rising Center will be centrally located on the corner of South State and E Taylor Streets in Syracuse (currently known as Latimer Terrace), and will include a new, best in class Child Care/Early Learning Center (118 child care slots), a Parent/Child Play and Engagement Center, and a YMCA. The Center will serve as a community asset for the neighborhood and the broader Syracuse community.
Purpose: The purpose of this request is to 1) help bridge the gap in our capital development budget needs to build a best in class child care, early learning, and health and wellness facility in the New 15th Ward Neighborhood, and 2) demonstrate federal support in the overall strategy and role the Center will play in advancing positive outcomes for the children and families in this neighborhood and the wider Syracuse community.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: Village of New York Mills
Project Title: Police Station Addition; Municipal Office Complex Renovations; ADA Compliance Activities
Recipient Address: Municipal Office Complex, 1 Maple Street, New York Mills, NY 13417
Amount Requested: $711,880.00
Project Description: Project to include adding a second story to Police Station, new ADA compliant bathrooms, add a ladies locker room within the new construction of a 2nd story over the Police Station. This addition will be built with steel framing, insulation, windows, facade, exterior brick to match existing building first floor and new facades as well as a new roof. Regarding the Village Offices, a new roof, new HVAC, updated interior surfaces, extensive bathroom work, comprehensive ADA compliant upgrades and other renovations are urgently needed.
Purpose: Without congressional funding, this project cannot proceed, and the village will continue to have a deteriorating Municipal Office Complex, with no feasible way to retain female officers to assist in community policing and the other negative effects of a leaking roof and a defunct HVAC system. ADA non-compliance will also not be resolved. The situation in New York Mills is current, urgent and our top priority, with no local means of funding, as over half of the village population are low or low-moderate income.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: City of Syracuse
Project Title: Surge Link Broadband for Low Income Residents
Recipient Address: 233 E. Washington St., Syracuse, NY 13202
Amount Requested: $3,070,000
Project Description: The Surge Link project expands upon a successful pilot in 2023-2024 to digitally empower lower income families by providing at-home high-speed internet service and digital training/tools to improve their quality of life. This funding will enable the City of Syracuse to expand our Surge Link municipal broadband service to reach 1,500 additional households in the city, plus provide 2 years of digital skills training and coaching to lower income families in hard to serve neighborhoods. This funding will also provide resources to launch an innovative laptop refurbishment pilot program, where city residents will be trained on how to refurbish used laptops, so that these devices can be recycled and reused by families that do not have home computers. The proposal is for two years of funding.
Purpose: The proposed project for Congressionally Directed Spending includes three components: 1) expansion of Surge Link internet network to connect more Syracuse households to an affordable high speed internet solution; 2) funding for our Digital Empowerment Program; and 3) launch of a cost-effective pilot for refurbishing used computers for families that lack adequate computing devices at home, which has both workforce development and digital equity benefits.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: Town of Westmoreland
Project Title: Tindall Water Line Replacement
Recipient Address: 100 Station Road, P.O. Box 310, Westmoreland, NY 13490
Amount Requested: $2,000,000
Project Description: The Tindall Water District services one-hundred-fifty-one users (151). The water lines were originally installed in the 1950's. These lines were constructed from a transit material which includes asbestos. The Town of Westmoreland used the funding received from the Federal Government (SLFRF) to begin the process of replacing the transit lines. The Town has completed approximately one-third of the District in the most occupied areas. It was the Town's objective to complete the removal of the old lines in the entire District; and turn the District over to Mohawk Valley Water Authority; however the remaining costs were prohibitive.
Purpose: The Mohawk Valley Water Authority (MVWA) has agreed to assume the Tindall Water District if the Town can replace all the transit water lines in the District. The Town used funds received from the Federal Government (SLFRF) to begin the project. Approximately one-third of the lines in the District have already been replaced. The Town of Westmoreland has received quotes estimating the remaining lines will require an additional $2,000,000.00 to complete. Removing all the old asbestos lines would help remove any risk of contamination and provide for healthier drinking water for the residents. Completion of this project would also allow the Town of Westmoreland to be removed as the intermediary between the residents and MVWA.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: City of Oneida
Project Title: Oneida City Police Station - Facility Expansion
Recipient Address: 108 Main Street, Oneida, NY 13421
Amount Requested: $2,000,000
Project Description: The Department is seeking funding to support a station expansion to enhance operations, security, and increase functionality within the existing footprint of the station. The proposed project involves two components: an attached multi-vehicle garage and multi-purpose training room and office space.
Purpose: The City of Oneida is in extreme need of grant funding for capital projects. In 2013 the City of Oneida suffered a monumental disaster when a portion of the city was flooded by a nearby creek. This flood event had not been anticipated nor had anything of this magnitude occurred in decades causing this amount of long-lasting damage. As a result, the affected residents were given the option to obtain FEMA housing compensation. The stipulations of that compensation were that their property lots could not be used for development and must be used as green space, to be maintained by the City of Oneida. One hundred and twenty-five properties chose this compensation and were released making them untaxable; resulting in a yearly property tax loss of approximately $100,000. City government has the difficult task of making decisions regarding tax increases. Development and business attraction to the city has dwindled, even though property tax rates remain fairly standard and low when compared to surrounding areas. This limited business growth is one factor that has reduced the number of homeowners in the city. Approximately 50% of the residents in the City of Oneida reside in single or multi-unit rentals. This representation provides for reduced opportunity for taxes on single family houses when dwellings are being converted into apartment subdivisions. The reduced income has made development extremely difficult without cost deferment by way of grant funding.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: Community Memorial Hospital
Project Title: Improving Access to Quality and Affordable Healthcare - Cazenovia Urgent Care Center - Community Memorial Hospital
Recipient Address: 150 Broad St. Hamilton, NY 13346
Amount Requested: $1,987,500.00
Project Description: The proposed urgent care facility expansion in Cazenovia, New York, offers a range of direct benefits to the state and the selected counties, including economic development, health and welfare, safety and security, racial and social equity, and geographic equity. If this request is granted, success will be measured by job creation, revenue generation, healthcare access, disease prevention, emergency preparedness, geographic equity, and community engagement rates.
Purpose: The purpose of this request is to improve access to healthcare in rural Cazenovia, a small town in Upstate NY. Residents in the NY 22nd Congressional District will benefit from the urgent care facility project through improved access to timely and quality healthcare services. With the establishment of a second urgent care location in Cazenovia, residents will no longer need to travel long distances to neighboring towns for urgent medical care. This increased accessibility will result in shorter wait times for treatment, quicker diagnoses, and better management of medical conditions. Additionally, the presence of the facility will contribute to the overall health and well-being of residents, leading to a healthier and more resilient community.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: Town of Deerfield
Project Title: Town of Deerfield Recycling
Recipient Address: 6329 Walker Rd., Deerfield NY 13502
Amount Requested: $550,000
Project Description: Construction of a 3,900-square-foot drive-thru recycling facility to reduce costs for residents as well as potential worker's compensation claims from employees.
Purpose: To reduce the amount of waste at a national level, state level and local level. It also reduces Town liability against slip and fall injuries on Town-owned property. It also, by design, allows for Town employees to "drop" recyclables into collection containers without heavy lifting (for example, does not require the heavy lifting of totes or bags to be thrown up and over the top of a dumpster unit that is typically ground-based).
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here.

Proposed Recipient: Syracuse Regional Airport Authority
Project Title: Syracuse Regional Airport Authority Baggage System Upgrade
Recipient Address: 1000 Col Eileen Collins Blvd, Syracuse NY 13212
Amount Requested: $3,000,000
Project Description: SRAA is requesting funding to implement a consolidated, centralized in-line baggage system. The consolidated system will provide flexibility and scalability not present in the current configuration.
Purpose: The current outbound baggage system is made up of eight separate in-line systems, equipped with individual screening equipment.   The separate in-line systems are associated with specific ticket counters, making the operation highly inefficient. It is difficult to bring new airlines on board or expand existing carriers to neighboring ticket counters as airline staff have to walk bags to the nearest in-line system. During the most recent addition of an Airline, the inability to add a new in-line system resulted in luggage being manually screened until a solution can be provided. Separate systems also create issues for TSA as they must staff for every airline instead of a consolidated single in-line system. The existing system is old, has safety concerns with guards and cannot readily handle large bags, such as golf clubs. These items must be manually walked back to the screening area, creating boarding delays as staff must leave the check-in counters. In the past year, the baggage system has broken down every month and it’s not unusual for multiple baggage belts to be down at the same time. When baggage belts are disabled, the Airlines are required to consolidate onto the operating belts, stressing an already aged system. At one point, the system caught on fire due to inability to handle the additional load. Due to its age, repair parts are either not available or must be special ordered. SRAA has spent time locating drawings from a company in Canada commissioned a shop to machine needed items to regain functionality. A new system would provide improved uptime, resolving the delays currently experienced from the continued inoperability and sourcing of parts experienced today.
Letters of Support: Click here.
Financial Disclosure Letter: Click here