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Rep. Williams, Assembly Minority Leader Barclay and State Legislators Held Press Conference On Migrant Crisis

Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22) was joined by Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay and state legislators to call on Governor Kathy Hochul to immediately convene a special session to address the migrant crisis in New York.

Syracuse, NY — Yesterday, Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22) held a press conference in North Syracuse to strongly urge Gov. Hochul to convene a special session in Albany to address the growing migrant crisis across New York State. Rep. Williams was joined by Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay, and Assemblymen John Lemondes, Robert Smullen, and Joe Angelino.

Watch, here.

Syracuse, NYYesterday, Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22) held a press conference in North Syracuse to strongly urge Gov. Hochul to convene a special session in Albany to address the growing migrant crisis across New York State. Rep. Williams was joined by Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay, and Assemblymen John Lemondes, Robert Smullen, and Joe Angelino.

Rep. Williams put his support behind several legislative actions by the State Assembly:

  • Require the state comptroller to examine and audit state and federal funds received and appropriated for humanitarian aid in New York City or any municipality (A.7508, Ra);

  • Require New York state to register all migrants in order to assist with background checks and monitoring refugees seeking asylum (A.7319-A, Slater);

  • Protect counties and municipalities from “Right to Shelter” confusion by requiring local governing bodies in New York state to opt-in to accept migrants from other jurisdictions;

  • Ensure funding is not used to shelter migrants in schools, daycare centers, or community-based organizations;

  • Reverse the Executive Order of 2017 prohibiting law enforcement from cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to end New York’s status as an illegal immigration sanctuary;

  • Adopt a resolution calling on the federal government to provide financial assistance to the state and properly address the border crisis it created.

“Even if we closed the border today, even if President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas actually did their constitutional duty securing our border immediately, we'd still have a crisis, and that crisis is being run by Mayor Adams and the Progressive-left. To export that problem up here would simply be a crime against the people of Central New York, as well as an inability to meet the Human need,” said Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22). “Governor Hochul must immediately convene a special session in Albany and work with legislators to end this migrant crisis.”

Watch the full press conference, here.


Press: Taylor Weyeneth | (202) 834-3026

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