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Rep. Williams Will Vote “NAY” On Biden Re-Election Bill

“The Biden Re-Election bill is DOA. It took over 1,000 days for President Biden to admit we have a crisis at our southern border. The Senate bill has two objectives; cramming through more spending and giving Biden a “get out of jail free” card on the border," said Congressman Brandon Williams.

WASHINGTON — Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22) released the following statement announcing he will vote “Nay” on the 370-page Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, more accurately described as the Biden Re-Election Bill:

“The Biden Re-Election bill is DOA. It took over 1,000 days for President Biden to admit we have a crisis at our southern border. The Senate bill has two objectives; cramming through more spending and giving Biden a “get out of jail free” card on the border.

“5,000 illegal entries per day is a crisis, not a fix. Expanding work authorizations for illegal immigrants is a magnet for illegal immigration, not a fix. Billions of taxpayer dollars used to fly migrants across the country is trafficking, not a fix. No reforms to the asylum process are insulting to the American people, not a fix.

“The President has the executive authority and Constitutional obligation to end the migrant crisis, today. By re-implementing the 'Remain in Mexico' policy (which he proudly shredded on his first day in office), we would reduce the flow of illegal crossings by 70% immediately. It's time for Biden to pick up his pen and secure the border.”
