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Biden is Strengthening Putin At Expense of American Workers: Rep. Williams Resolution Condemning LNG Export Suspension

Washington, February 7, 2024 | Taylor Weyeneth (202-225-3701)
"This rash decision sends a signal to our allies in Europe that we are not a trustworthy alternative to Russian natural gas. These same allies are using our LNG to wean off of Russian supply, but will be backed into a corner—President Biden strengthens Putin at the expense of American workers,” said Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22)

WASHINGTON — In response to the Biden Administration’s January 26th decision to halt exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG), Rep. Brandon Williams (NY-22), joined by 10 Representatives Byron Donalds (FL-19), Aaron Bean (FL-04), Kay Granger (TX-12), Monica De La Cruz (TX-15), Randy Weber (TX-14), Jake Ellzey (TX-06), Michael Burgess (TX-26), Scott Franklin (FL-18), Lauren Boebert (CO-03), and Derrick Van Orden (WI-03), introduced a resolution which urges a return to permitting LNG exports for the sake of economic prosperity and national security, and condemning the Biden Administration for halting LNG exports.


“The President’s suspension of LNG exports is an example of the worst kind of retaliation politics. He’s put American families who depend on the jobs created by the extraction, processing, and shipping of LNG in harm’s way because of a separate issue he has with the Governor of Texas,” said Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22). “Beyond that, this rash decision sends a signal to our allies in Europe that we are not a trustworthy alternative to Russian natural gas. These same allies are using our LNG to wean off of Russian supply, but will be backed into a corner—President Biden strengthens Putin at the expense of American workers.”


“President Biden halting LNG exports emboldens our adversaries at the expense of the United States. The U.S. has some of the cleanest, most efficient energy production capabilities in the world, and pausing these exports to appease climate extremists is dangerous and damaging for our economy, national security, and the global environment,” said Congressman Derrick Van Orden (WI-03). “I am proud to join my colleagues in condemning President Biden for his America-last energy policies and sincerely urge him to reverse this misguided decision, and restart U.S. LNG exports now.”


“When it comes to the Biden administration’s energy policies: climate activists come first, American families come last. Proud to join Rep. Williams’ resolution calling for the reversal of President Biden’s ban on American LNG export projects. With the United States and my home state of Florida being major exporters of LNG, I will continue to fight the Biden administration’s disastrous policies and put American energy first,” said Congressman Aaron Bean (FL-04).


“The Biden Administration’s decision to put the brakes on all pending liquified natural gas (LNG) export projects weakens the United States’ national and global energy security and undercuts the pro-environment agenda he claims to champion,” said Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) President Heather Reams. “Thank you to Representative Williams for highlighting the critical role natural gas plays in securing reliable, affordable and cleaner American-made energy and its ability to displace dirtier energy sources in the U.S. and around the world.”


View the resolution text, here.
