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Rep. Williams Introduces Bill to Modernize Security at VA Hospitals

“Our veterans gave their best to this country. This country owes every single veteran its very best in return. It is unacceptable that instances of violent crime have increased so drastically in VA facilities, and tragic that suicide on VA campuses is as common as it is. Congress has a long way to go in doing right by the men and women who have served our country in uniform—this bill is a necessary step in the right direction,” said Congressman Williams.

WASHINGTON — Today, Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22) introduced a bill to upgrade security technology at VA medical facilities nationwide. H.R. 7765, the VA Security Screening Pilot Program Act would direct the Secretary to select a Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) to carry out a pilot program using weapon screening technology at the primary entrance of each VA medical center over a two-year period.

Antiquated security measures put a strain on the VA police workforce, who are often already short-staffed. This places both employees and patients at increased risk during an emergency. As this pilot program takes place, feedback from veterans and facility employees will be used to determine how best to secure VA facilities with weapons screening technology.

“Our veterans gave their best to this country. This country owes every single veteran its very best in return. It is unacceptable that instances of violent crime have increased so drastically in VA facilities, and tragic that suicide on VA campuses is as common as it is. Congress has a long way to go in doing right by the men and women who have served our country in uniform—this bill is a necessary step in the right direction,” said Congressman Williams. 

