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Rep. Williams and Rep. Caraveo Introduce Bill to Expand Youth Suicide Prevention Research

“This expansion of research is necessary to understand and counter the upward trend of youth suicide and self-harm. I’m grateful to Congresswoman Caraveo, who joins me as an original sponsor of this important legislation. We owe this and more to our next generation,” said Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22).

WASHINGTON — Yesterday, Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22) and Congresswoman Yadira Caraveo, MD (CO-08), introduced the Youth Suicide Prevention Research Act to address the ongoing crisis of youth suicide in America. This bipartisan legislation would expand the scope of National Science Foundation-supported research into suicide prevention to include research on the role of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in mental health outcomes by amending the Advancing Research to Prevent Suicide Act.


“This expansion of research is necessary to understand and counter the upward trend of youth suicide and self-harm. I’m grateful to Congresswoman Caraveo, who joins me as an original sponsor of this important legislation. We owe this and more to our next generation,” said Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22).


“Over the past two decades, we’ve seen a shocking increase in rates of self-harm and suicide among American teenagers,” said Congresswoman Yadira Caraveo, MD (CO-08).


“The scale of this youth mental health crisis should evoke a sense of urgency not only among mental health professionals, but among all lawmakers as well. I’m proud to lead this effort to begin research into the effects of adverse childhood events in order to better understand the factors contributing to the concerning rates of youth suicide and self-harm.”

