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Rep. Williams Hosts Roundtable Discussion On Fentanyl Crisis

Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22) hosts roundtable discussion at Onondaga Community College with law enforcement, public health officials, and advocates on the fentanyl and opioid crisis across NY-22

  • Fentanyl Roundtable
Syracuse, NY — Today, Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22), met with local law enforcement, county health officials, and nonprofit organizations to host a roundtable, “Stop Illicit Fentanyl Trafficking.” During the roundtable event, the Congressman, local officials, and advocates discussed the State of the NY-22 amidst the opioid and overdose epidemic and federal measures that can help curb this crisis locally.

Topics of Discussion:
  • Prevention
  • Treatment and recovery
  • Supply reduction and interdiction
  • Ending the stigma of addiction
  • The TRANQ Act (H.R. 1734)
Actionable Items:
  • Co-sponsor of the TRANQ Act
  • Commitment to continue community discussions on this issue
  • Firm promise to put the weight of his office behind finding federal measures to assist

“It is pure and simple, we must disrupt, dismantle, and defeat the overdose crisis and epidemic. Too many have been lost, too many have left us too early. Central New York and the Mohawk Valley have been hit incredibly hard and need help. This is not a political or partisan issue, it is a devastating issue with ramifications that affect those on each end of the political spectrum and in-between,” said Congressman Williams. I will continue to learn more about this crisis and will be focusing on other pieces of legislation to curb the crisis through prevention efforts, increased treatment and recovery services, and supply reduction measures.”

Brandon Williams is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for New York’s 22nd Congressional District. Brandon is a naval veteran, having served as a Nuclear Submarine Officer, is an entrepreneur, and a devoted husband and father. He currently resides in Central New York with his wife of over 30 years and their dog Beatrice.


Office of Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22) | Press: Taylor Weyeneth | (202) 834-3026