Today, I introduced the Bolstering Northeast Heating Oil and Gasoline Reserves Act alongside my colleagues Congressmen Mike Lawler (NY-17) and Chris Pappas (NH-01) to require the Department of Energy (DOE) to conduct a long-range strategic review of the Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve (NEHHOR) and the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve (NGSR), and report to Congress on opportunities to strengthen them. The Northeast petroleum product reserves were established to reduce the impact of severe supply disruptions for the region.
However, current reserves in the Northeast are ill-suited to addressing regional supply disruptions. This bipartisan legislation would examine the Northeast reserves to understand their current limitations and provide ways of improvement for potential future needs to ensure that these reserves can adequately assist the Northeast in supply disruptions or emergency energy needs.
It is imperative that our energy needs are being met and will be dependable in the event of an emergency. This bipartisan legislation will better understand the Northeast petroleum product reserves’ capabilities to strengthen them. Energy security is vital to ensuring our families stay warm and safe in the winter.
That’s why I’m pleased to work on this issue with Congressmen Pappas and Lawler and will continue working to lower the cost of gas, heating oil, and energy for the people of Central New York and the Mohawk Valley.
Click here to read the bill text.